Tips to Refine Your Local SEO Campaign

by | Apr 5, 2017 | Search Engine Optimization

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There are many different types of needs that businesses have that are dependent on what kind of customer they’re trying to attract. If you’re a local brick and mortar business, then it’s unlikely you’re attempting to draw from the same customer pool that an eCommerce company in another country is. That’s where SEO customization comes in.

1. Traditional SEO Versus Local SEO

Search Engine Land states that while elements such as title and meta tags are still just as important in local SEO as traditional SEO, but other such elements as claiming online business listings become priority in new ways. When people search for local services using a keyword, it doesn’t work the same way as if someone is searching for the cheapest bed linens to purchase online. In this case, what matters just as much as popular keywords is also connecting local customers to your website. By claiming online profiles like Google’s business listings or Yelp reviews, your online presence is strengthened as well as more locally visible.

2. Refining and Increasing Visibility

One part of local SEO that refines how people connect to your site substantially is to tweak the kind of code you’re using in your site to send information back to Google about the nature of your content, as well as evaluating metrics to better understand how to push your local listings to the top of search results in specific areas. A big part of this is also how your business’s online impression appears across a wide spectrum of platforms, including social media and review sites.

Local SEO is the next generation of SEO tactics that take into account the individual needs of businesses based on what type of customer they want to attract. While having your site show up at the top of certain keyword search results may guarantee wide exposure of your business, that doesn’t mean anything unless people are clicking on your site and driving local business to your door.

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